The call to restore our planet is happening all over the country! More and more plots of unused land are re-opening with community support. The Cal-Poly Student Experimental Farm, a piece of land that was once a CSA, applies permaculture principles to their land to grow food and to restore soil health.
Blue skies and sunshine welcomed the Permaculture Action Team. The day started with heart opening, earth-connecting yoga by Sophia Ocean and moved into a discussion by Ryan Rising, the tour’s permaculture educator. The topic covered:
The power of the people to take back our land!
Chickens bask in the sun, laughter and stories fill the air as shovels transfer compost into wheel barrels and smiling faces work together to leave a positive trace on the once-closed farm. We shared food as we labored our love into the earth building raised beds, moving the rich compost and restoring a stage structure that will offer music, workshops, and a communal meeting place.
Click to download the PDF – San Luis Obispo Permaculture Resource List