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PLACE Action Day at Our New Organizational Home!!

January 28, 2017 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Come celebrate Permaculture Action Network moving into our new organizational home at the PLACE for Sustainable Living in Oakland, CA.  We’re hosting an action day at PLACE to make some much needed improvements to the facilities.  We’ll be sheet rocking the barn ceiling, breaking down compost, installing windows, maintaining the garden beds and edible landscape, installing emergency lighting, electrical work, and more.

10:00am – Arrive and greetings
10:30am – Orientation to the Day’s Activities
11:00am-5:00pm – An honest day’s work & play!

-Breakdown compost
-Weeding and raking leaves
-Other garden projects tbd
-Sheet Rock the barn ceiling
-Window installs
-Additional emergency light installations
-Some electrical work
-Lock box installs with cables
-Organize and clear the shelving of the Resourcery

Do you want to cook or organize food for the volunteers?
Email PLACE at info@aplaceforsustainableliving.org with “FOOD ACTION DAY” in the subject line

In the wake of the Ghost Ship Warehouse fire in Oakland, PLACE is running a crowdfunding campaign to make much needed fire, safety, and accessibility improvements to this incredible community center for art, ecology, and education.  Click here to read more and support: https://www.youcaring.com/placeforsustainableliving-722110

Permaculture Action Network will be basing our core operations and the organizing of our Bay Area BioRegional Crew out of PLACE – sharing office space, storage space, and event space.  Please support us through supporting PLACE, whether it’s by coming out and getting your hands dirty, throwing down some dollars, or spreading the message.

Share the Facebook event page and invite your friends:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1771345749855872/

PLACE banner for Fundraiser


January 28, 2017
10:00 am - 5:00 pm


PLACE for Sustainable Living
View Organizer Website


PLACE for Sustainable Living
1121 64th Street
Oakland, CA 94608 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website