Action Day
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A day of action at a local indigenous community site building a community kitchen and restoring stream and forest ecosystems.
Aztlan Cultural Center 7102 CR 620, GardnerMusic * Food * Hands-on Projects * Workshops * Taking Action Logistics: Address: 7102 CR 620 Gardner, CO 81040. Join Sonic Bloom and the Permaculture Action Network at the Aztlan Cultural Center both Wednesday and Thursday this year before the festival kicks off on Thursday evening for action days. June 14th and 15th we’re inviting all attendees of Sonic Bloom, alongside the general […]
Sonic Bloom Action Day at Aztlan Cultural Center
Aztlan Cultural Center 7102 CR 620, GardnerYou are invited to come to the action day before Sonic Bloom sets off on Thursday, June 16th! DRIVING DIRECTIONS UPDATED AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Follow for updates on the facebook event page! This year’s Permaculture Action Day will be at Aztlan Cultural Center, Sonic Bloom’s neighbor and an indigenous cultural center and site of weekly free ceremonies and the […]
Nashville Permaculture Action Day w/ members of Rising Appalachia, November 11 2019
Two Rivers Park 3136 McGavock Pk, NashvilleIn collaboration with Deep Tropics Festival, Rising Appalachia and GROW Enrichment, we are hosting the third Permaculture Action Day in Nashville in three years! Permaculture Action Network, along with Deep Culture, Rising Appalachia and GROW Enrichment, are happy to present the Nashville Permaculture Action Day on 11/11 at GROW Enrichment! What Is It? This is the third Permaculture Action Day […]